DPS Junior Vijaynagar-Parents

by Delhi Public School, Mandla Road



This is comprehensive software along with mobile apps designed to streamline and simplify Parent -School communication. It comprises the School Software, Teachers & Parents Apps.The School Software is designed to assist the internal functioning of the school. Complete records of the staff and students, library records, timetable & exam management, school calendar, upcoming events, notices, and circulars will be available on a click.Teachers App will ease out marking of attendance, leave records, mark entries, and communicate with the parents.The Parents App will not only ensure seamless communication between the school and parents but also will keep them well informed and updated. The app will provide real-time updates of students attendance, school timetable, exam schedule, and homework, making it convenient for the parents to stay involved in their childs academic journey. It has features like easy school fee payment through payment gateways and maintenance of its record. Additionally, it offers hassle-free fee payment & pocket money management for hostellers.